Tag (2015) Dual Format (Blu-ray & DVD) edition
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Tag (2015) Dual Format (Blu-ray & DVD) edition

Product ID: 96486774
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Japanese auteur Sion Sono follows up the deliriously entertaining Tokyo Tribe, with Tag, a surreal horror that combines his arthouse aesthetics with equal doses of pro-feminist action fantasy, and the kind of ultra-gory exploitation filmmaking that would make Takashi Miike and Yoshihiro Nishimura proud. Mitsuko (Reina Triendl) is the sole survivor of a bizarre paranormal incident that kills all of her classmates. Running for her life, Mitsuko seemingly slips into an alternate reality, but death and chaos seems to follow her everywhere. As Mitsuko finds herself in increasingly surreal and violent situations, the true horror behind her nightmare is revealed. With a jaw-dropping opening sequence reminiscent of Sono s earlier cult masterpiece, Suicide Club, Tag is a mind-bending slice of action-horror, Alice in Wonderland meets Tokyo Gore Police, and Eureka Entertainment is proud to present the film on Blu-ray and DVD. DUAL FORMAT SPECIAL FEATURES: 1080p presentation (On the Blu-ray) Optional English subtitles Optional 5.1 or Stereo (uncompressed on the Blu-ray) audio tracks Theatrical trailer PRESS: Though action and excitement are clearly Sono s primary concerns, viewers searching for deeper meaning to all this mayhem will certainly find plenty to think about along the way. Variety Alternating between scenes of visual splendor and relentless gore, Sono's latest film is by turns absurd and affecting, bloody and beautiful, carnal and cerebral The Hollywood Reporter The whole film is suffused with dream-like sadness and despair, which Sion Sono captures in wide shots of forests and snowy landscapes that are interspersed with the action. Electric Sheep

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

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