Volo L Angle Bracket for Reinforcing Chairs/Tables - Shelf Bracket 40mmx20mm Zinc Plated, L Shape Bracket for Solid Shelf Support, Joint Right Corner Brace (1.5" x 0.75") (40mm X 20mm, 12)

Product ID: 621697341


Unit Count


90 Degree Angle L Shaped Bracket,Corner Brace Joint Bracket, 40mm x 20mm Material: Mild Steel Color: Sliver Appearance: Smooth Surface and Arc Design Number of Holes: 5 Holes Applications: Furniture Fixation, Perfect For Fastening Wood Wall Hanging ,Chair, Table, Window, Furniture, Dresser, Shelf And Drawer Where to use: My personal experience is to fix our office table, wooden office table usually installed by dowel pin and some hardware screw. When they getting old, the screw no longer work well, I just add 2-3 of this bracket under the table, then it is all good. How to use: Just use electric drill to fix the bracket, and the screw attached with this item is 18mm long, you have to check if it is too short or too long for your case.

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