With the AZ-Delivery Ultrasonic Rangefinder, your DIY robot will always keep track of you or your installation will react to your approach. You can measure the distance between the sensor and the object in front of it from 2 - 300 mm with an accuracy of 3 mm. With 5 V operating voltage and only 2 mA current consumption, the HC-SR04 is highly compatible and very energy-saving. The distance is measured via any two digital I/O pins - no data protocol required! Attention: The module is not suggested to connect directly to electric, if connected, the GND terminal should be connected to the module first; otherwise, it will affect the normal work of the module. When tested objects, the range of area is not less than 0.5 square meters and the plane requests as smooth as possible; otherwise, it will affect the results of measuring. For top quality Raspberry Pi products etc, AZ-Delivery Vertriebs is your go to. We provide an array of application examples, full installation guides, eBooks, libraries, and all-round assistance. AZ-Delivery, your microelectronics expert.