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WRINGER Black. Build your forearms and grip strength.
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WRINGER Black. Build your forearms and grip strength.

Product ID: 48293444
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The Wringer is an industrial strength, forearm and grip strength exercise machine designed to increase grip strength and wrist stability while simultaneously reducing forearm fatigue and risk of injury. What makes this product so unique is not just its superb quality and compact size (just 2kg and 30cm in length) but, unlike competing products, it works BOTH forearms at the same time. You will find the Wringer works so well that there really is no need for other forearm equipment. The Wringer uses a basic back and forth movement to fully target the flexors (the muscles on the underside of the forearm) and extensors (the muscles on the top of the forearm) giving you a full stretch and contraction with each repetition. You'll also find your Brachioradialis, Biceps & Triceps are brought into use during each repetition. The Wringer is fully adjustable - the finely threaded shaft and 5.5" long spring provides a huge range of adjustments. Adjusting the tension is easy: simply twist the grips clockwise to increase tension and counter-clockwise to decrease tension. Since the steel shaft is extra finely threaded, the selection of resistance levels is virtually endless. The Wringer is the best tool to develop your grip strength in your sport; Golf, Tennis, Hockey, Bodybuilding, Weightlifting, Wake Boarding, Wrestling, MMA, Cycling, Rock Climbing, Gymnastics, Boxing, Motor Sport, Moto-X, BMX, Kayaking, Hang Gliding, Judo, and the list goes on and on! The Wringer has a revolutionary, heavy duty design and was engineered using the very best materials and manufacturing techniques. From its massive 2" diameter coil spring and 20mm diameter 316 stainless steel shaft to its industrial grade Acetal body, this is a high quality piece of equipment that's built to withstand even the toughest workout and last! If you ever need replacement parts, the Wringer can easily be disassembled and parts replaced in a matter of minutes.

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Imran F.

Very reliable shop with genuine products. Will definitely buy again!

2 weeks ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

1 month ago