MAMA'S FAMILY, the delightfully offbeat TV comedy which ran successfully from 1983 to 1990, originally began as a skit on the legendary Carol Burnett Show, with Vicki Lawrence playing the outspoken, "elderly" Mama. In SEASON THREE big changes are afoot in the Harper household as MAMA'S FAMILY switches from NBC to syndication. Vint's kids Buzz and Sonja are gone, replaced by Bubba Higgins (Allan Kayser), the son of Eunice and Ed. Bubba arrives fresh from a stint in juvenile hall, learning of his parents' move to Florida only after he settles in at Mama's place. The Harpers communicate about as well as they show each other some love. Mama's sister, Fran, mysteriously dies of "natural causes"--"natural" only if you belong to the crazy Harper clan.