Benefits: Boro-cal is an organic amino acid based foliar spray that corrects calcium & boron deficiency satisfactorily in all crops Calcium and boron are synergists and part of the big four elements that should always be maintained at luxury levels within the plant It promotes cell division & cell elongation & thus increase the size of fruits. Induces disease resistivity which improve plant health Increases crop yield, Growth booster Reduces cracking of fruit Improves shelf life of fruit and flower Improves resistance to heat & cold Application & Dose: Foliar application: 2-3ml/ltr of water Drip irrigation: 1-2ltr/acre Drenching: 2-4 gm/ltr of water. Usage: All crops vegetable, flower gardens, orchards, turf grass, Fruits (Horticulture), Hydrophonics, Green House Crops etc