You will be ship a Grafted Mexicola Variety ( Mexicola Grande ) Avocado fruit Tree that has been Grafted Professionally for taste , flavor and Fruit yield , no more waiting years to come to Received fruit . The second largest commercially produced avocado variety. Smooth, green-skinned fruit has excellent flavored, creamy flesh. Large, spreading tree has an average hardiness rating. .This Trees are in between 1 to 2FT tall . Currently Growing on a 3 gallon pot and will be ready for a 5 gallon in about 2 months or bigger planter if not planted to the ground About Grated Trees Grafting onto rootstock that is already established allows young fruit trees to bear fruit earlier. Rootstock plants also determine the tree and root system size, fruit yield efficiency, longevity of the plant, resistance to pests and disease, cold hardiness, and the tree's ability to adapt to soil types