Agri-Fab 45-0320 42" Tow-Behind Lawn Sweeper, 12 cu. ft Hopper Bag Capacity; Leaf & Grass Cathcher, with Adjustable Brush Height and Easy to Use Dumping Rope
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Agri-Fab 45-0320 42" Tow-Behind Lawn Sweeper, 12 cu. ft Hopper Bag Capacity; Leaf & Grass Cathcher, with Adjustable Brush Height and Easy to Use Dumping Rope

Product ID: 765542
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Product Description The Agri-Fab, Inc. 42” Lawn Sweeper Model #45-0320 will help you maintain the professionally-groomed lawn that you deserve. Why spend hours doing the back-breaking work required to clean up debris in your yard? An Agri-Fab lawn sweeper will make your life easier because of its exceptional performance. Whether you are cleaning up grass clippings in the spring and summer, or cleaning up leaves and small twigs in the fall, using an Agri-Fab Sweeper will make it easier. The 42” Tow Lawn Sweeper’s two semi-pneumatic tires ensure a smooth transport on the working area. 4 brushes sweep debris into an extra-large hopper bag, which is capable of holding 12 cu. ft. A dumping rope makes it easier to dump without having to dismount the tractor. The Agri-Fab 42” Lawn Sweeper Model #45-0320 will last you for years to come with proper care and use. All Agri-Fab, Inc. products come with a 3-year limited warranty. If you have any questions or concerns about this product please contact Agri-Fab Customer service at (800) 448-9282 .com Clean up a large yard or field after pruning, mowing, weeding, or aerating with minimal heavy lifting with this efficient lawn sweeper from Illinois-based Agri-Fab. Hitched up behind a tractor, the lawn sweeper brushes up leaves, grass, and even fine straw into a spacious hopper in 42-inch wide swathes. Easy to use and requiring minimal maintenance, the lawn sweeper eliminates most debris with one pass.The lawn sweeper picks up remnants of yard work with the adjustable and replaceable brushes no more than a 1/2-inch into the grass. This sweeper has a sweep of 42”. The adjustable hopper provides up to 12 cubic feet for waste and collapses flat for compact storage. A windscreen prevents wind gusts from blowing swept debris and leaves back onto the ground. A rope handle on the sweeper allows users to dump contents from the tractor seat. The sweeper rides on two 11” x 2.5” semi-pneumatic tires. A hitch pin is included for quick tractor hook-up. The lawn sweeper only activates brushes while in forward movement and will not sweep while reversing. Manufactured in the USA, it comes with a limited three-year warranty. Upon shipping, the lawn sweeper measures 50-3/4 by 22 by 15 inches and weighs 77 pounds.

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