THE TWIDDLERS 2 Large Rainbow Spring Gift Toys for Boys & Girls, Classic Slinky Party Favours - 10 x 10cm
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THE TWIDDLERS 2 Large Rainbow Spring Gift Toys for Boys & Girls, Classic Slinky Party Favours - 10 x 10cm

Product ID: 692607334
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Looking for a fun and unique toy that will keep your kids entertained for hours? Look no further than our huge slinky springs! With their vibrant rainbow colors and satisfying ""walking"" motion, these springs are sure to delight boys and girls alike. Not only are our slinky springs fun, but they're also incredibly versatile. They make great birthday gifts, classroom rewards, and prizes, and are perfect for special needs kids and those on the autistic spectrum as a sensory toy. Plus, they can even be used as a teaching tool, helping children learn about physics and motion in a fun and interactive way. But our slinky springs aren't just fun and educational - they're also built to last. Made from strong and durable materials, these springs won't easily break or lose their shape, ensuring that your kids can enjoy them for years to come. And at an eye-catching 10 x 10 x 10 cm when unopened, these springs are sure to grab the attention of kids and adults alike. Whether you're using them to entertain your own children, as a teaching tool in the classroom, or as a unique gift for a child's birthday, our slinky springs are the perfect choice.

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