Uno Casa Pie Iron Sandwich Maker - Japanese Sandwich Maker with Recipe Book - Durable Campfire Cooking Equipment for Grilled Pies - Heavy Duty Cast Iron for Outdoor and Camping Adventures
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Uno Casa Pie Iron Sandwich Maker - Japanese Sandwich Maker with Recipe Book - Durable Campfire Cooking Equipment for Grilled Pies - Heavy Duty Cast Iron for Outdoor and Camping Adventures

Product ID: 575985573
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The Uno Casa cast iron camp pie cooker is an ideal outdoors cooking tool. With this sturdy & reliable sandwich maker camping is sure to become a true family hit. Easier to carry than similar campfire cooking tools, this is the perfect camp cooker choice when in the woods, mountains, or the comfort of your own backyard.Made of extra durable cast iron, this camping sandwich maker is non-stick and high heat & pressure resistant. The Uno Casa campfire Panini presses are pre-seasoned using innovative technology, so they don't require re-seasoning after each use. Cast iron will stay rust-proof if kept dry: wash it with hot water (only add some mild detergent if necessary) and towel dry. When taken care of, this cast iron sandwich maker can last generations, and your grandchildren will use it decades from now.Compared to other similar campfire cookware, the Uno Casa campfire toaster's head is double the average size. Fitting more than one person’s portion, it is convenient for couples and families alike. The head of this campfire sandwich press is lined with a grill grid, preserving food texture, moistness, and aroma. You can use pie irons as pizza pocket makers or even cast iron popcorn makers! They're also excellent for making grilled cheese sandwiches, grilled meats, hobo pies, pudgy pies, moon pies, tortillas, biscuits, and so much more!This Uno Casa camp cooking cast iron tool has a dismountable head, as well as 2 removable handles (13.8" & 21.6"). This makes the cast iron camp toaster easy to wash and to fit into a backpack. Also, the hook on the handles keeps the head of the pudgy pie maker securely closed while cooking, protecting your food from the high heat and smoke.With your purchase you will receive the downloadable recipe e-Book with dozens of inspiring and simple cast iron sandwich press meal ideas. Enjoy unforgettable outdoor cooking experiences with your family & friends and let your imagination run wild!

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