ODETOJOY Quilling Paper Gradient Quilling Strips 3mm Crafts Filigrana Paper 1/8inch Rainbow Color 120pcs Length 21inch (7colors set)
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ODETOJOY Quilling Paper Gradient Quilling Strips 3mm Crafts Filigrana Paper 1/8inch Rainbow Color 120pcs Length 21inch (7colors set)

Product ID: 567352133
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Specifications: Material : 120g high quality quilling paper with bright and long last gradient colors A vibrant gradation of pink purple blue yellow brown red green sparkle elegantly Gradient 6 colors in each bag, 20pcs per color.Complete color series according to your choice For example, if you choose color blue, you can get 6 blues from budding to withering, from morning to sunset. Length: 21inch approx 53cm, it is longer than most strips which can help you avoid excessive glue to make big rolls Width: 3mm approx 1/8inch, very popular widely used in big quilling projects quilling cards and frame arts Package Included: 1* Gradient Paper Quilling Stripes (120 strips), length 21inch approx 53cm. Feature: This Paper Strip is strong and flexible, and very forgiving when you make a mistake and have to re-roll your shape. The colors are bright and Gentle Sheen with a good variety, you can order individual colors according to your project This Paper Strip is thick enough that they stand easily. when you glue a few layers together, you can see a visible difference. Applications: 1. It can improve kids hand-make skills, create good family atmosphere. 2. It's also a good gift for friends and relatives, and DIY lovers,but adults supervision is necessary when kids using. 3.These paper quilling kits can make all kinds of quilling papers into the patterns you want, for example, patterns like animals, stars, flowers, grass, houses and so on. 4.Create a novelty gift to your friends or families, show your love in a special way that last long.

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