Kaei&Shi Present Skirt Lingerie, Satin Bow Decor, Accessible, Thigh Garter, 4Pcs
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Kaei&Shi Present Skirt Lingerie, Satin Bow Decor, Accessible, Thigh Garter, 4Pcs

Product ID: 552580707
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#Welcome to Kaei&Shi store! Please feel free to contact us if any question about products, shipping or service.#About Size: Please check the size chart on the photo gallery.#FAQ: Q: Is this material comfortable?  A: Yes, this lingerie is made of stretchy and soft mesh. Skin friendly. Q: Is it easy to ripped? A: It is well made, it will not rip easily and it washes well. Q: The shoulder straps are adjustable, correct? A: Yes, it's adjustable. Q: Does the color fade with time after multiple washings? A: The material is high quality. So it would not fade. Q: Will this lingerie shrink after washing? A: No, it won't shrink. Q: Is there a wire in the bra? A: Yes, there is. Q: Can I attach my own stockings to the garter? A: No, the thigh straps are non-removable. Q: How many items are included in the product? A: It comes with 1 bra, 1 thong and 1 overskirt. #Washing Instructions: Machine washable in laundry bag. Wash in cold water, please do not use bleach soak.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

1 week ago

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