Originally developed by Chevron ORTHO in the 1950s, Septic-Flow Shock has proven for over 60 years how it's powerful ingredients (Calcium Polysulfide mixed with a proprietary blend of inert, waste-dissolving agents) are more than capable of tearing through and treating even the worst hard soil build-ups, clogged drainfields, and septic systems entirely. Easy-to-Use:▶For Slow or Sluggish Drain Fields/Septic Tanks:Start with 3-4 gallons of product. Use 1 gallon of product via the toilet, sink, drain closest to the septic tank outlet or the outside underground distribution box.Next, if the soil is visibly holding water apply 1 gallon of product into the drain field soil directly. After 1 week add another 1 gallon.. Flush freely with water to distribute it throughout the septic system drainfield.▶Restoring a Very Soggy and Slow Failed Drain Field or Leach System:Start with 5 gallons of product. Use a long wide screwdriver and poke holes about 6-10 inches down about 1 foot apart, into the soil above the drain field. Apply minimum of 3-4 gallons of product directly to the holes you have made. Apply the final 1-2 gallons via the septic tank opening, d-box, or the toilet closest to the septic tank.▶For waterlogged systems;Dramatically reduce household water comsumption. Try to drain off or septic pump out as much excess water as possible before treatment. After adding Septic-Flow Shock to your drain system 40-80 gallons of water to the distribution box with the product to ensure it makes it through the drain fields entire system. If you can not access the distribution or "D-Box", it may be necessary to add additional product via the toilet or sink.
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