FELIWAY Classic Cat Calming Pheromone, 30 Day Refill - 6 Pack
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FELIWAY Classic Cat Calming Pheromone, 30 Day Refill - 6 Pack

Product ID: 206479457
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Is your cat peeing outside the litter box, scratching your furniture and carpet, or hiding on a regular basis? These behaviors may be caused by fear and anxiety. FELIWAY products are a vet recommended, drug free, and clinically proven to help alleviate many of the unwanted behaviors cat owners deal with. FELIWAY CLASSIC provides “happy messages” by mimicking the natural feline reassuring messages (pheromones) to make cats feel calm and comfortable at home. This product has been found to reduce scratching, spraying, and hiding for 90% of cats, and many owners see results within 7 days. Cats are also very sensitive to change, so if you anticipate changes in the home (moving, renovation, recorating, new pets, new family members, etcs. ), FELIWAY is very effective in helping your cats remain calm, and adapt to the changes without unwanted behaviors. This FELIWAY Classic Diffuser Refill includess six refill vials (diffuser sold separately). You should plug your diffuser in the room(s) where your cat spends the most time - each diffuser covers up to 700 sq. feet. Make sure your diffuser isn't covered by curtains, or behind furniture. Each refill can last up to 30 days. For maximum effectiveness, you should replace your diffuser every 6 months. Make sure to follow the instructions when plugging in your diffuser, and plug the diffuser in upright.

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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