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Flickinger, N: XBRL in der betrieblichen Praxis
83 Br
Sistema de información financiera mediante XBRL en Navision: Lenguaje XBRL (eXtensible Reporting Language) (Spanish Edition)
208 Br
122 Br
Practical Guide to REVISED SCHEDULE VI with Extracts from Companies Annual Reports including XBRL
148 Br
Finanzberichtssystem mit XBRL in Navision: eXtensible Berichtssprache (XBRL) (German Edition)
1 309 Br
XBRL for Interactive Data: Engineering the Information Value Chain
914 Br
Essentials of XBRL: Financial Reporting in the 21st Century (Essentials Series)
272 Br
XBRL for Interactive Data: Engineering the Information Value Chain
994 Br
Sistema de relatórios financeiros usando XBRL no Navision: Linguagem de Relatórios Extensível (XBRL) (Portuguese Edition)
271 Br
New Dimensions of Business Reporting and XBRL 2007
709 BYN
Guide to Preparation of BALANCE SHEET Under XBRL & New Schedule VI
114 Br
The XBRL Book: Simple, precise, technical
168 Br
A Practical Guide to Revised Schedule VI with XBRL Taxonomy and Business Rules
39 Br
XBRL Essentials
122 Br
Sistema de información financiera mediante XBRL en Navision: Lenguaje XBRL (eXtensible Reporting Language)
195 Br
Sistema di reporting finanziario con XBRL in Navision: Il linguaggio di rendicontazione elettronico (XBRL) (Italian Edition)
207 Br
Financial Reporting System Using XBRL in Navision: eXtensible Reporting Language (XBRL)
428 Br
Dijital Muhasebe ve XBRL Sınıflandırma Sistemleri (Toksonomiler)
37 Br
XBRL for Interactive Data: Engineering the Information Value Chain
Système de reporting financier utilisant XBRL dans Navision
246 Br
Sistema de relatórios financeiros usando XBRL no Navision: Linguagem de Relatórios Extensível (XBRL)
1 259 Br
Système de reporting financier utilisant XBRL dans Navision: Langage de reporting extensible (XBRL) (French Edition)
207 Br
New Dimensions of Business Reporting and XBRL Paperback – 26 July 2007
180 Br
Система финансовой отчетности с использованием XBRL в Navision: Расширяемый язык отчетности (XBRL) (Russian Edition)
85 Br
Comprendre XBRL et la taxonomie Comptes Annuels Paperback – Import, 28 July 2009
179 Br
Step by Step Guide to XBRL Filing under Revised Schedule VI
88 Br
Assessment of Feasibility of the Use of XBRL in Financial Research
1 619 Br
’ʋΑåŠw}‰ð‰ïŒvƒR[ƒX4 XBRL (’ʋΑåŠw•¶ŒÉ)
Conciliating XBRL Financial Reporting and HCI: Easing XBRL financial reporting through HCI Design practices for the sake of optimizing e-Government G2G practices
1 339 Br
Système de reporting financier utilisant XBRL dans Navision: Langage de reporting extensible (XBRL)
195 Br
Система финансовой отчетности с использованием XBRL в Navision: Расширяемый язык отчетности (XBRL): Rasshirqemyj qzyk otchetnosti (XBRL)
73 Br
Finanzberichtssystem mit XBRL in Navision: eXtensible Berichtssprache (XBRL)
1 259 Br
Company BALANCE SHEET and Profit & Loss Account Under XBRL & New Schedule VI
119 BYN
Xbrl Anchor Boating Christmas Tree Merry Xmas Santa Sailing Zip Hoodie
107 Br
New Dimensions of Business Reporting and XBRL
644 BYN
Pandect of XBRL (Chinese Edition)
104 Br
Xbrl Anchor Boating Christmas Tree Merry Xmas Santa Sailing T-Shirt
282 Br
Xbrl Essentials: A Nontechnical Introduction to Extensible Business Reporting Language (Xbrl), the Digital Language of Business Reporting
XBRL Taxonomy Project(Chinese Edition)
XBRL technical principles and applications(Chinese Edition)
719 Br
Conciliating XBRL Financial Reporting and HCI: Easing XBRL financial reporting through HCI Design practices for the sake of optimizing e-Government G2G practices
1 359 Br
Financial Report of XBRL: Theory, Specification and Application
Xbrl Anchor Boating Christmas Tree Merry Xmas Santa Sailing T-Shirt
217 Br
XBRL practical case analysis [paperback](Chinese Edition)
475 Br
Xbrl Anchor Boating Christmas Tree Merry Xmas Santa Sailing Pullover Hoodie
100 Br
Sistema di reporting finanziario con XBRL in Navision: Il linguaggio di rendicontazione elettronico (XBRL)
195 Br
XBRL ga hiraku kaikei jōhō kaiji : IFRS taiō no kirifuda
1 469 Br
Sistema de relatórios financeiros usando XBRL no Navision
246 Br
Finanzberichtssystem mit XBRL in Navision
246 Br
The Digital Revolution in Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)
347 Br
Sistema di reporting finanziario con XBRL in Navision
246 Br
Conciliating XBRL Financial Reporting and HCI
2 099 Br
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
245 Br
Roger Debrecenycarsten Feldenbartosz Ochockimaciej Piechockimichal Piechocki
Roger Debrecenycarsten Feldenmaciej Piechocki
Pierre Hamon
Antonio Oliveiraartur Kronbauer
Yoshiko Shirata
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