Redefine Quality with Dhruv Grewal’s Top Picks
Find your favorites among our trusted selection of Dhruv Grewal must-haves.
Retail Marketing Management: The 5 Es of Retailing
Studyguide for M: Marketing by Grewal, Dhruv, ISBN 9780078028854
M: Marketing with Connect Plus Access Code
Loose Leaf for M: Marketing
Retailing Management | 10th Edition Paperback – 17 July 2023
Marketing Research: Student Text
Studyguide for Marketing by Grewal, Dhruv
Loose Leaf for M: Marketing
Retail Marketing Management: The 5 Es of Retailing
Shopper Marketing and the Role of In-Store Marketing
Retail Marketing Management: The 5 Es of Retailing
M: Marketing with Premium Content Access Card
Marketing with ConnectPlus 4th (fourth) Edition by Grewal, Dhruv, Levy, Michael published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin (2013)
Marketing | 7th Edition Paperback – 16 October 2021
Studyguide for Marketing by Grewal, Dhruv, ISBN 9780077713294
Studyguide for M: Marketing by Grewal, Dhruv, ISBN 9781259179006
Studyguide for Marketing by Grewal, Dhruv, ISBN 9780077801953
Proceedings of the 1993 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference
Loose Leaf for Retailing Management
Loose Leaf for Retailing Management
T.S. Grewal's Double Entry Book Keeping: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms -( Vol. 1) Textbook for CBSE Class 12 (2021-22 Session)