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Make a Statement with Augusto Boal
From timeless classics to modern breakthroughs—discover what Augusto Boal has in store.
The Theatre of the Oppressed in Practice Today: An Introduction to the Work and Principles of Augusto Boal (Performance Books)
1 279 Br
Hamlet and the Baker's Son: My Life in Theatre and Politics
261 Br
Aesthetics Of The Oppressed
163 BYN
Games for Actors and Non-Actors
989 Br
Legislative Theatre: Using Performance to Make Politics
204 BYN
The Aesthetics of the Oppressed
1 209 Br
Theatre of the Oppressed
269 Br
Theatre of the Oppressed
120 Br
Games for Actors and Non-Actors (Augusto Boal)
246 Br
Theatre of the Oppressed
105 Br
Games for Actors and Non-Actors, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition
140 Br
Jeux pour acteurs et non-acteurs
130 Br
Games for Actors and Non-Actors
909 Br
Hamlet and the Baker's Son: My Life in Theatre and Politics (Augusto Boal's Memoirs)
231 Br
Games for Actors and Non-Actors
363 Br
Theatre of the Oppressed
73 BYN
Legislative Theatre (Augusto Boal)
684 Br
Teatro reunido (Em Portugues do Brasil)
214 Br
The Rainbow of Desire: The Boal Method of Theatre and Therapy (Augusto Boal) 1st Edition
166 Br
Games for Actors and Non-Actors (Augusto Boal)
609 Br
The Aesthetics of the Oppressed (Augusto Boal)
719 Br
Theatre of the Oppressed
159 Br
The Rainbow of Desire: The Boal Method of Theatre and Therapy (Augusto Boal)
759 Br
The Rainbow of Desire: The Boal Method of Theatre and Therapy
1 899 Br
Teatro del oprimido
250 Br
Das Forumtheater nach Augusto Boal
190 Br
La Estética del oprimido
594 Br
Ein Versuch der Integration der Methodik Augusto Boals in die Literaturdidaktik
92 Br
Juegos para actores y no actores
549 Br
Las teorias dramaticas de Augusto Boal
118 Br
Augusto Boal
884 Br
Augusto Boal (Routledge Performance Practitioners)
934 Br
Juegos para actores y no actores (Artes escénicas nº 60) (Spanish Edition)
The Courage to Become
235 Br
Acting: The Basics
218 Br
The Theatre of the Oppressed in Practice Today: An Introduction to the Work and Principles of Augusto Boal
159 Br
El arco iris del deseo: Del teatro experimental a la terapia
199 Br
Playing Boal
250 Br
El arco iris del deseo : del teatro experimental a la terapia
189 BYN
Das Theater der Unterdrckten Augusto Boals und seine Prsentation in der Gegenwart.
189 Br
Augusto Boal und Christoph Schlingensief - Zwei Rebellen in der Theaterlandschaft. Eine Vergleichsstudie ihrer spezifischen Arbeitsweisen
184 Br
Analyse des Werkes Theater der Unterdruckten von Augusto Boal
157 Br
Augusto Boal Revisitado: Ensayos en ingles, portugues y español
109 Br
The Performance Studies Reader
352 Br
The Theatre of the Oppressed in Practice Today: An Introduction to the Work and Principles of Augusto Boal (Performance Books)
72 Br
InExActArt – The Autopoietic Theatre of Augusto Boal – A Handbook of Theatre of the Oppressed Practice
181 Br
Theater im Dialog: heiter, aufmüpfig und demokratisch. Deutsche und europäische Anwendungen des Theaters der Unterdrückten
189 Br
The Routledge Companion to Theatre of the Oppressed
1 499 Br
Augusto Boal (Routledge Performance Practitioners)
182 Br
Theatre of the Oppressed and its Times
719 Br
Eventos carcelarios: Subjetivación política e imaginario revolucionario en América Latina
175 Br
Acting: The Basics
132 Br
QuartoPotereQuartaParete ediz 1.0
68 Br
Performance Theory
160 Br
Actor Training
213 Br
Dramatherapy and Social Theatre: Necessary Dialogues
769 Br
Von Revolution zu Autopoiese: Auf den Spuren Augusto Boals ins 21. Jahrhundert: Das Theater Der Unterdrückten Im Kontext Von Friedensarbeit Und Einer Ästhetik Der Wahrnehmung (German Edition)
Augusto Boal Revisitado
The Performance Studies Reader
395 Br
Las teorias dramaticas de Augusto Boal (Spanish Edition)
The Performance Studies Reader
Inexactart--The Autopoietic Theatre of Augusto Boal: A Handbook of Theatre of the Oppressed Practice
268 Br
«Come Closer»: Critical Perspectives on Theatre of the Oppressed
1 639 Br
"Das spielt (k)eine Rolle!" - Theater der Befreiung nach Augusto Boal als Empowerment-Werkzeug im Kontext von Selbsthilfe (Berliner Schriften zum Theater der Unterdrückten 2) (German Edition)
41 Br
Padres brillantes, maestros fascinantes
271 Br
Augusto Boalcharles A. Mcbride
Augusto Boaladrian Jackson
Sue Jennings