Einhell Power X-Change 18V Cordless Chainsaw - 10 Inch (25cm) Electric Chainsaw Cordless With OREGON Bar and Chain - GE-LC 18/25 Li Solo Battery Chainsaw (Battery Not Included)

Product ID: 99628462

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🌲 Cut the clutter, not your comfort! Equipped with kickback protection and emergency brake for peace of mind. Enjoy a comfortable grip for extended use. Tackle small to medium trees with ease! Adjust chain tension and change chains without any tools! Keep your chainsaw running smoothly with easy oil refills. 18V Power Source 10 Inch Cutting Length Kickback Protection The Einhell Power X-Change 18V Cordless Chainsaw is a lightweight, battery-powered tool designed for effortless pruning and cutting. Featuring a high-quality OREGON guide bar and chain, this chainsaw ensures precision and safety with its ergonomic design, kickback protection, and tool-free operation. Ideal for hobby gardeners, it’s the perfect addition to your garden toolkit.

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