Redi Niche Triple Niche Recessed Shower Shelf- Black, Three Inner Shelves, 16-Inch Width x 40-Inch Height x 4-Inch Depth
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Redi Niche Triple Niche Recessed Shower Shelf- Black, Three Inner Shelves, 16-Inch Width x 40-Inch Height x 4-Inch Depth

Product ID: 97036605
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Redi Niche Recessed Shower Shelves are the perfect all-in-one solutions for your next home improvement project. Update your existing shower with a single, easy-to-install niche or pair it with Tile Redi pans and doors for a complete shower replacement.  Redi Niche recessed shower shelves can be installed either horizontally or vertically to fit your space. With multiple models to choose from and the ability to combine different sizes, you can create a unique combination to fit your design needs. Our one-piece tileable niches are a great way to add space-saving storage to your shower. Now you can keep your shower essentials on clutter-free shelves without adding extra bulk. Once the niche is installed, you can easily top it off with the tile, marble or stone of your choice for a leak-proof, waterproof and customized shelf that seamlessly matches your bathroom.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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