46100000 Field CW-125, White
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46100000 Field CW-125, White

Product ID: 949335
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Product Description The ClearWave Water Conditioner is the solution to scale build-up due to hard water. Installs easily and virtually eliminates scale build-up in pipes, faucets, and appliances The ClearWave by Field Controls is a revolutionary product that conditions hard water without the expense and hassle of salt, chemicals, or traditional hard water systems. The ClearWave attacks hard water particles with electro-magnetic waves to treat the entire water system in your home and helps to prevent and reduce hard water problems. Calcium and magnesium particles tend to stick to each other and any surface they touch forming layers of hard scale. This scale buildup damages water heater elements and restricts water flow. The ClearWave neutralizes these particles. Once treated by the ClearWave Water Conditioner, calcium and magnesium particles remain in suspension, flowing freely through the system and down the drain. The ClearWave not only prevents new scale formation but over time it helps break down existing scale, protecting the water heater, pipes, shower heads, and appliances. The ClearWave is maintenance-free, and uses less water than traditional water softeners. The ClearWave works on all types of pipes including copper, PVC, galvanized, and stainless steel. How the ClearWave Works The ClearWave Water Conditioner generates a series of electro-magnetic waves that affect hard water crystals (calcium and magnesium) in water so that they are unable to stick to anything. These enhanced microscopic particles then contact existing scale and cause it to loosen, break down, and flow easily with the water. From the Manufacturer The ClearWave by Field Controls is a revolutionary product that conditions hard water without the expense and hassle of salt, chemicals, or traditional hard water systems. The ClearWave attacks hard water particles with electro-magnetic waves, treating the entire water system in your home and helping prevent and reduce hard water problems.

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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