Brunoplast NIVIFIX tile plates levelling system, starter set, basic set, black for wall and floor tiles, 3-12 mm thickness (laying tiles flat, laying aid, laying).
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Brunoplast NIVIFIX tile plates levelling system, starter set, basic set, black for wall and floor tiles, 3-12 mm thickness (laying tiles flat, laying aid, laying).

Product ID: 94596052
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Easy to get a perfect joint image - thanks to Nivifix. Test NIVIFIX with our inexpensive starter set "black", consisting of 50 pieces of Nivifix towing hoods, black, for tile thickness, 3 - 12 mm, suitable for all threaded tabs, pack of 50. Nivifix standard threaded flaps for tile thickness 0 - 20 mm, joint width 1.7 mm, pack of 250. The black Nivifix hoods are reusable dozens of times, suitable for all Nivifix threaded flaps (standard, T and cross shape) and are suitable for tiles with a thickness from 3 to 12 mm. If you want to lay thicker tiles, we recommend our starter set "grey" for tiles from 12 - 20 mm thickness. Nivifix is THE innovative tile levelling system for easy, safe laying of tiles. It is particularly suitable for laying large format tiles. With Nivifix you can lay tiles much faster, easier and with a perfect, hitherto practically unknown joint view. Surface irregularities “high spots” and physically strenuous “right tapping” of the tiles belong with Nivifix to the past. It is so easy to use Nivifix (also see video on our website): Simply push the flat base/ "foot" of the threaded flap sideways under the tile. Put the pulling hood on the threaded flap and bring the tile to the desired level with just a few turns. After the adhesive has cured, unscrew the pulling hoods and simply break off the threaded pocket at the predetermined breaking point. The flat base / "foot" remains in the adhesive bed. Further information can be found on our website.

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Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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