Delicate and dainty, this Personalized Cuff Bracelet is great for daily wear. It is fun and fashion, everyone will want to know where you got that name bangle bracelet because they also own this unique gift. Features-- INPIRATIONAL MESSAGES YOU CAN CHOOSE▼ You are braver than you believe Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think.▼ Life Is A Journey, Not a Destination, Enjoy the Moments.▼ The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams.▼ A true friendship is a journey without an end. ▼ I Love You To The Moon And Back. ▼ Count Your Rainbows Not Your Thunderstorms. ▼ You are more Powerful than you Know; you are Beautiful just as you are. -- HypoallergenicAll of our products are handmade, material is only of 925 sterling silver, wearing sterling silver prevent allergy, long time wearing keeps you a good health. -- Themed giftMagnifies our thoughtful gesture and makes the recipient feel extra special. This super cute pendant necklace makes the perfect gift on your list. Many occasions are very well, for example: Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas, Easter Day, Thanksgiving Day, or some time that’s memorable, Birthday, Wedding, Anniversary, Graduation. -- Shipping Time We need about 5 working days to engrave your bracelet; and it will normally take about 12-15 calendar days for delivery.-- Jewelry Maintenance Firstly, you should keep your Jewelry away from any chemicals, you know the chemicals will corrode your jewelry. Secondly, please do not put your jewelry into water especially seawater, water will fade jewelry’s color. Three, please clean your jewelry with clean and dry duster, to keep your jewelry clean. At last, when you don’t wear your jewelry, please clean it and put in a sealed box.
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