Levana Oma Sense Baby Abdominal Movement Monitor: Utilizing cutting-edge Wakeup Technology, the Levana Oma Sense sleep monitor for baby takes some of the fear out of parenting by continually monitoring the abdominal movement rate of your infant. Offering priceless relief for the common urge to get out of bed to check on your little one’s abdominal movements, this ingenious abdominal movement baby monitor allows the whole family to get better quality sleep by letting you know exactly if and when your baby needs you. Made right here in Canada in a Medical Grade facility, this newborn baby monitor can detect signs of no abdominal movement and initiate the appropriate responses for baby and for you. A continual blue flashing light on the device assures parents that breathing motion is normal. If the baby safe sleep monitor doesn’t detect any abdominal movement for 15 seconds, Oma Sense will trigger a gentle stimulation via vibrations until regular movement resumes. If regular movement doesn’t re-establish within 5 seconds, the baby abdominal movement monitor will alert parents into action via an emergency alarm with LED lights and sounds.