This is an excellent collection of sensors and components to use with Arduino and Raspberry Pi. It was specifically designed for the smart home concept. No matter where you are, the smart home IOT sensor kit combined with Arduino or Raspberry lets you control, monitor and secure your home. Packing List: 1)1 x DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module 2)1 x HC-SR501 Human Infrared Sensor Module 3)1 x DS1302 Real Time Clock Module 4)1 x Rain Sensor Module ( with 2 Accessories ) 5)1 x Sound Sensor Module 6)1 x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module 7)1 x Flame Sensor Module 8)1 x KY-008 Laser Sensor Module 9)1 x Photoresistor Sensor Module 10)1 x One Channel TCRT5000 Tracing Module 11)1 x Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module 12)1 x Shock Sensor Module 13)1 x MQ - 2 Gas Sensor Module 14)1 x Tilt Sensor Module 15)1 x YL - 69 Soil Moisture Sensor Module ( with 2 Accessories ) 16)1 x 315M Wireless Transceiver Module ( Transmitting Module + Receiving Module )