Techno Glow IncGlow in The Dark & UV Reactive Powder - Multipurpose PRO-Series (Natural Green, 4 Ounces (113g))
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Techno Glow IncGlow in The Dark & UV Reactive Powder - Multipurpose PRO-Series (Natural Green, 4 Ounces (113g))

Product ID: 88464139
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Glow In The Dark Powder Pigment | The PRO-Series by Techno Glow Natural ColorsAlso called invisible or neutral is 100% pure made from rare earth minerals and can handle temperatures of about 1100°F or 600°C. Green is the number 1 choice, followed by Aqua and Blue. These charge the fastest, glows the longest and brightest. The natural green is so powerful that the human eye can still see it glow in a pitch-dark room after 24 hours. Aqua and Blue glows for up to 12 hours. Very good colors for using outdoors. Purple is one of our most popular colors and glows for up to 6 hours. It is a lot harder to charge, but direct sunlight or uv light will get the job done faster. Natural Orange and red all glows for under 1 hour and are much more expensive.  Fluorescent ColorsTinted (dyed) for a vibrant color in normal daylight. Free of formaldehyde, making it the safest daytime phosphorescent pigment on the market. Most of these glow between 4-8 hours. Some fading might occur outdoors. OtherRed zinc is a deep red, charges very fast and glows under 1 hour. Very strong sulfur odor. Mixing RatiosWe recommend mix ratios between 15% to 33% glow powder. In general, ratios with more than 33% powder to the mix don’t achieve a more drastically bright glow to justify the cost of more glow powder. Testing various ratios are recommended for commercial and manufacturing purposes. 20% = 1:5 = 1 ounce powder to 5 fluid ounces clear medium25% = 1:4 = 1 ounce powder to 4 fluid ounces clear medium33% = 1:3 = 30 grams powder to 90 milliliters clear medium More detailed information provided in the bullets above. Scroll up and grab some glow in the dark powder today!

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