Gyntima Probiotica Vaginal Suppository
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Gyntima Probiotica Vaginal Suppository

Product ID: 82519417
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Product Description Treats and prevents bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and vaginal discomfort vaginal suppositories probiotic create a breeding-ground for lactobacilli located in the vaginal flora and ensure their optimal reproduction. These natural Milk cultures protect against harmful bacteria and infections and ensure the natural biological balance of the vagina. Probiotic is made from natural substances. The composition is enriched with sage extract, which has anti-mycolic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and moisturizing effect. Vaginal suppositories probiotic are recommended for a long-term use to maintain the healthy environment of the vagina. The suppositories are especially effective during menopause and lactation. Probiotic vaginal suppositories are recommended in the following Cases: if you use antibiotics or other bacteria-destroying remedies which damaged the natural vaginal flora with their drastic disinfectants; if you have a discharge, while taking the contraceptive pill or contraceptive devices placed in the uterus; after visiting swimming pools; after sexual intercourse. Ingredients PEG 32, Lactosum, Polysorbatum 20, PEG 20, Natrii chloridum, Acidum lacticum, Magnesii sulphas, Proteose pepton, Extractum Salviae officinalis, Acidum folicum.

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