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K'NEX Education - Simple Machines Classroom Pack - for 12-18 Students - Elementary Education Set, Multi
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K'NEX Education - Simple Machines Classroom Pack - for 12-18 Students - Elementary Education Set, Multi

Product ID: 80767068
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Outfit your entire classroom with the K’NEX Education Simple Machines Classroom Pack! This collection includes everything you need to kickstart your simple machines curriculum. 6 individual STEM building kits are included – 2 of each our K’NEX Education’s Introduction to Simple Machines Building Sets: Gears; Levers & Pulleys; and Wheels, Axles, & Inclined Planes. Each individual set can support 2 to 3 students, working in teams as they learn all about different Simple Machines concepts.Introduction to Simple Machines Gears includes 198 colorful parts to make seven different replicas of real world gear machines and teaches concepts such as gear ratios, spur gears, crown gears, mechanical systems and more.Introduction to Simple Machines Levers & Pulleys includes 178 colorful parts to make eight different replicas of real world lever and pulley machines and teaches concepts such as effort arm, fulcrum, lever classes, pulley systems and more.Introduction to Simple Machines Wheels, Axles, and Inclined Planes includes 221 colorful parts to make seven different replicas of real world wheel, axles, and inclined plane machines and teaches concepts such as wedges, screws, energy transfer, mechanical systems and more.All six sets come packaged in individual reusable plastic trays with snap-on lids for easy organization and classroom storage. Every set also includes easy-to-follow building instructions and a comprehensive teacher's guide written by expert educators and aligned to national educational standards like ITEEA, NSES, NCTM, NGSS, and Common Core. The guides feature hands-on, inquiry-based projects, engaging students in today's busy classroom by allowing them to see real world examples of science concepts in action. Studies reveal that students experience more success learning STEM subjects through activities related to the real world than by reading about concepts in textbooks.

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I loved the variety of products available. Will definitely shop again.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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