Salton YM7 42-Ounce Electric Yogurt Maker with 7 Glass Jars
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Salton YM7 42-Ounce Electric Yogurt Maker with 7 Glass Jars

Product ID: 7734457
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Make up to 42 ounces of smooth, creamy homemade yogurt at a time with this electric yogurt maker. It allows for using only the freshest ingredients--without any artificial additives or preservatives required. Seven 6-ounce glass jars come included for making up to seven single-serving portions of different-flavored yogurt. The taste of the yogurt will vary depending on the milk used, the type of starter used, and any flavoring added. Experiment with these different elements to create favorite personal recipes. Each jar supplies a fitted lid for conveniently storing the yogurt in the refrigerator for later--enjoy a different kind every day of the week. The single-serving portions make a great choice for an on-the-go breakfast or a healthy mid-day snack at the office. Other highlights include a see-through cover for easily monitoring the process, a timer reminder, and an on/off switch mounted on the front of the unit. The yogurt maker measures 9 by 9 by 6 inches.

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