Pilates for Buff Bones with Rebekah Rotstein DVD
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Pilates for Buff Bones with Rebekah Rotstein DVD

Product ID: 7670759
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Pilates for Buff Bones is a unique, Pilates-based workout that uses bone-strengthening techniques while emphasizing alignment and balance. Featured at world-class resorts like Canyon Ranch and Rancho La Puerta! This DVD targets the butt, hips, arms and back, while giving the whole body a terrific workout. The dynamic class is adaptable and challenging for people of varying levels, and is also safe for those with osteoporosis. Watch the workout in full or customize it for a quick session, selecting which body region or goal you want to focus on that day. Uses small 2-3 lb weights or water bottles. Bonus material includes: - A helpful tutorial of workout tips - An engaging bone health lesson on how to protect and strengthen your bones - An inspiring personal story of Rebekah’s own journey with osteoporosis Rebekah Rotstein is a certified Pilates instructor who has trained instructors and guest presented throughout the country and internationally. Her company Incorporating Movement is a partner of The Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and its Best Bones Forever! campaign. Diagnosed with osteoporosis at age 28, Rebekah has since improved her bone density through diet and exercise. Endorsements for Pilates For Buff Bones: “This DVD is a must-have for anyone dealing with osteoporosis or looking to prevent it.” Jordan D. Metzl, M.D., sports medicine physician & author of The Athlete’s Book of Home Remedies “Pilates for Buff Bones is a very effective resource to help maintain alignment and bone health for a lifetime.” Christiane Northrup, M.D., ob/gyn physician & New York Times bestselling author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom “Rebekah has provided us with an excellent resource to continue to improve America's bone health.” Richard Carmona, M.D., 17th U.S. Surgeon General

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