Howdy Doody Super Deluxe Upgrade Ventriloquist Dummy
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Howdy Doody Super Deluxe Upgrade Ventriloquist Dummy

Product ID: 7643568
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Starting with the basic 30" ventriloquist dummy (which has a stuffed body and plastic head and hands) our figure makers add a hard hollow body and the head is mounted to a control stick. You are able to put your hand in the back and control the mouth with a lever on the control stick. The head can tilt and turn all the way around. One hand operation while the dummy sits on your lap or on a table, stool, etc. The Super Deluxe Upgrade adds moving eyes, a wig and even moving eyebrows! WHAT MAKES OUR UPGRADES SO SPECIAL? We're not alone in thinking that our upgraded ventriloquist dummies are the best in the business. Before you consider buying an upgraded Famous Character dummy from someone else, consider that... Our upgraded mouth mechanisms are created with springs, metal and wood pieces. Others use materials like rubber bands and elastic. Our hard hollow bodies are all wood wrapped with material. Others use some or no wood with cardboard or have only a partial shell. Our head posts are made of wood, not the pvc (plastic) parts that others use. Before you consider buying from someone else, we suggest you ask about these important issues.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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