PURPOSE – NUTRA PRO: Our highest protein, lowest carb multigrain dry dog food helps provide the sustained energy required by sporting dogs and dogs with high physical demands. This nutrient-dense high energy dog food is formulated with premium-quality chicken, fish and beef meals for dogs that need high levels of quality protein, like growing puppies and pregnant or nursing females. This high protein dog food is fortified with vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, protein and amino acids, and promotes healthy immune and digestive systems, and a healthy skin and coat. This super premium dog food is a dry kibble with 38% protein and 18% fat, and is 3774 KCAL/KG or 401 KCAL/CUP. The protein in this nutrient-rich dog food comes from meat sources (92%), plants and veggies (1%), and gluten free grain sources (7%). VICTOR Nutra Pro dog food is part of our Purpose line, which is formulated for dogs with particular dietary needs. With scientifically advanced and nutritionally complete ingredients, the high protein dog food is a dry kibble suitable for all life stages. We proudly produce every bag of VICTOR super premium dry dog food in our own Texas-based facility, and each ingredient used is carefully selected and serves a nutritional purpose. A majority of the ingredients in our super premium quality dog foods come from ranches, farms and other trusted suppliers who are within a day’s drive of our East Texas plant. Every VICTOR dog kibble formula is created with our proven VPRO Blend of ingredients – an exclusive mix designed by industry-leading experts to promote immune system function and healthy skin and coat for every dog, regardless of breed, age, or activity level. And the result is visible: healthy, happy pets who are ready for the next adventure.
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