EVER FAITH 925 Sterling Silver White Opal Lucky Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant Necklace for Girls, Mom
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EVER FAITH 925 Sterling Silver White Opal Lucky Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant Necklace for Girls, Mom

Product ID: 73440415
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How to protect the jewelry made with Opal?1*Handle gently, avoid putting the jewelry under extreme heat(boiling water) and extreme drought(deserts) and drastic changes in temperature.2*Wash jewelry with warm water and detergent and soft brush or soft cloth. Do not use bleach to wash it.3*If you would like to store it in a short time, please put it in a soft cloth bag. Otherwise, you could use cotton or wool products to drip a little water to the opal, and wrapped and placed the jewelry in plastic bags. This could prevent dry temperature to cause bad influence to the opal.925 Sterling SilverReal 925 sterling silver jewelry typically has certain marks on it to indicate its purity. These marks include "925", ".925" or "S925", to represent the 92.5 percent pure silver that exists. If these marks are not present, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's not sterling silver.How to protect the 925 Sterling Silver1*Put it in an air-tight bag if you not expect to wear for a long time.2*Usually silver-dip will do a little harm to your jewelry, you could use the silver polishing cloth to wipe the smooth surface of silver jewelry.3*The sterling silver jewelry should be stored separately to prevent the pieces from rubbing against each other, and cause tiny scratches.4*Silver Polishing cloths are an excellent choice for cleaning your sterling silver jewelry. They will remove the tarnish and dullness, keeping your sterling gift like new.5*Don't wear it when you take a bath, swim or do housework.Lifetime GuaranteeWe guarantee to repair this 925 Sterling Silver jewelry or any of its components of broken due to defective craftsmanship or material, without any of additional charge.

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