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Jack Rabbit Creations Glamping Camping Magnetic Camper Classic Wooden Toy Van – Recreational Vehicle, RV Family, and Pink Flamingos - Develops Dexterity & Motor Skills - 3+ years
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Jack Rabbit Creations Glamping Camping Magnetic Camper Classic Wooden Toy Van – Recreational Vehicle, RV Family, and Pink Flamingos - Develops Dexterity & Motor Skills - 3+ years

Product ID: 73382768
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Glamping Camping Magnetic Camper by Jack Rabbit Creations – Classic Wooden Toy Van – Recreational Vehicle, RV Family, and Pink Flamingos - Develops Dexterity Coordination & Motor Skills - 3+ years This is an impressive quality wood toy that kids will have so much fun with, they won’t even realize that they are learning too! Kickstart their early development while they play and grow! With sturdy wood construction that is built to last, this durable toy will last through the inevitable falls, throws, biting, etc. that comes along with toddlers. It is beautifully constructed with bright characters that are easy to grip and the colorful pieces promote color and identity recognition. Let imaginations run wild while your child reenacts scenes straight off of a National Park checklist. They'll call on the dad to drive the bus while the mom, girl, and boy all prepare for their rugged quests. You won't be able to help but to want to vacation under the stars too! At Jack Rabbit Creations, we work hard to bring you heirloom-quality toys and gifts that adults and kids love. Our products are updated twists on classics, with original art and amazing packaging. We prefer to use wood, tin, cotton and other natural materials for our designs, favoring a “no batteries required” approach. All of our products are designed by and made exclusively for Jack Rabbit Creations.

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

2 weeks ago

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Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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