Classic Sci-Fi Collection [DVD]
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Classic Sci-Fi Collection [DVD]

Product ID: 72109565
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Box set of classic '50s sci-fi trash for collectors. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956) sees the citizens of a small Californian town begin to complain that their fellow townsfolk are not what they used to be. Local doctor Miles Bennel (Kevin McCarthy) discovers the reason behind their sudden personality shifts and it involves aliens, pods and silver-painted stuff. 'Thing From Another World' (1951) is B-Movie heaven as a UFO crashes into earth and its pilot wreaks havoc. When an unknown spacecraft smashes into the wilderness of the artic, an air force crew is dispatched from Alaska to investigate. The crew frantically begin to recover the craft, which is encased in ice, but use a little too much gelignite and blow the thing to smithereens. Nearby a body is found and immediately covered with a blanket. An electric blanket. As the sled dogs start to turn up drained of blood, it is soon apparent that this is one extra-terrestrial popsicle that should have been left in the freezer...'The Incredible Shrinking Man' (1957) is a slice of philosophical sci-fi written by groundbreaking novelist Richard Matheson. Scott Carey (Grant Williams) is enjoying a boating trip when his yacht passes through a mysterious cloud of radioactive mist that makes him gradually shrink. Soon he's doing battle with spiders, ants and even his own cat. In 'This Island Earth' (1955), eminent scientists and intellectuals are being kidnapped and taken to a mysterious research station. Once there they realize that their captors are not in fact humans but visiting aliens who desperately need the Earthmen's help. 'Creature From the Black Lagoon' (1954) sees an expedition to the River discover a 'Gill Man': half man and half amphibian. Gill man is held for scientific posterity but while in captivity he falls in love with the chief scientist's (Richard Carlson) female assistant (Julie Adams), and kidnaps her before making his escape. In 'It Came From Outer Space' (1953), an astronomer is intrigued when he sees a meteor in the night skies over Arizona. When the object lands in the desert Putnam becomes convinced that it is no natural phenomenon. The locals are distrustful, seeing the astronomer as a kook, and refuse to listen to his theories but the locals, it transpires, may not be human flesh and blood.'Tarantula' (1955), is the tale of a scientist try to develop a growth serum that will make beef cattle etc grow at a greatly accelerated rate but when a test tarantula in the lab gets a taste all hell breaks loose. When it gets a taste of human flesh it's up to square-jawed doctor Matt Hastings (John Agar) and Reemer's assistant Stephanie (Mara Corday) to track it down and destroy it.

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