Hoopnotica Hoopdance Beginning Level 1
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Hoopnotica Hoopdance Beginning Level 1

Product ID: 716127
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Product Description Even if you have never been able to hoop before, this DVD will get you moving fast. Hoopnotica® is a fat burning cardio workout with stress reducing side effects that anyone can do. It's no wonder so many Hollywood celebrities are hooked; it's an easy way to whittle your waist and shed unwanted pounds. All you need to do is grab an adult sized hoop, give it a spin, and feel yourself become a kid all over again. Hoopnotica® has been breaking new ground in hoop fitness since 2006 and is your partner in creating owrkouts that you will enjoy for a lifetime. Review Hoopnotic Hoopdance Beginning Level 1 from Hoopnotica is solid at every level. Rayna McInturf and Keaton Talmadge do a terrific job of turning the teaching of hoop dance into the beginnings of a truly excellent DVD series. They explain what you're going to learn in each DVD at the beginning and then teach in the best possible way, one you're certain to learn from. Several of us had moments of saying, I never thought of it like that. That makes so much sense. Kicking off with a warm-up, each teaching section that follows concludes with a troubleshooting section by Talmadge. She highlights the typical mistakes we all make and shows us how to fix them. Vera said, I love the troubleshooting sections. The moves are very well explained and shown several times. Rayna is great in front of the camera. Hoopnotica's thoughtful explanations are clear and simple, without a lot of unnecessary fluff. Waist-hooping is called, well, waist-hooping. Marjorie says, It's a good DVD with a good warm-up using a class format and using the hoop as a prop. The lessons break down each move to their simplest components with clear visual examples making the concepts easy to understand. Allison commented, & I like how she gives different instructions for people who hoop in different directions too throughout. It's the best warm up of all the DVDs and the most fun. What did our beginner think? Christopher told us, & Keaton's troubleshooting sections are very helpful and consistently entertaining. There's a variety of hoopers here too including men and the outfits and settings are really accessible, not intimidating. The Passing and Floating section showed me easy ways to make beautiful moves. I really want this DVD. If you're a beginner who really wants to learn and continue to grow over time though, do consider making the investment in the Hoopnotica Hoopdance series. Hoopnotica DVD series merges hula-hooping with dance for exercises that focus on strengthening abs and back muscles, increasing flexibility and providing a serious cardio workout all in one. --People MagazineMove over dumbells - the hula hoop is the next big thing in mom fitness --Parenting Magazine

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