VERO MONTE Women Patterned Fishnet Tights Black Fishnets Net Stockings Pantyhose
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VERO MONTE Women Patterned Fishnet Tights Black Fishnets Net Stockings Pantyhose

Product ID: 71178025
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Trendy Sexy Fishnet Styles by Vero Monte Fans- These stylish fishnet tights have the most desired fishnet patterns voted by thousands of loyal Vero Monte fans, giving your legs a skinny and unique appearance.- Each package includes 2/4/5 pairs of tights with different fishnet patterns.- The 2/4/5 Styles 2/4/5 Pairs Combo is suitable for you to ramp up any outfit in a truly fashionable way.- They tend to look better on your legs than in the product photos.Create Your UNIQUE STYLE- Come with different fishnet patterns to jazz up any outfit.- Style them with mini-skirts, pencil skirts and a pair of stiletto booties or heels to add a hint of sex appeal.- Couple them with an oversize sweatshirt or a T-shirt dress & a sneaker for a casual look.- Wear them with a pea coat and a cute set of boots to pull off the look of Fall & Winter.- Pair them under worn out or ratty jeans, creating a playful look that is perfect for a night out.Enhanced Comforts- These fishnet tights will snugly hug your legs with their stretch-fit, won't bunch up or sag.- Wide elastic waistband for added comfort & ensures the tights stay up without slipping down.- Feature a slightly reinforced toe for extra durability and comfort.- The quality, the style, and the classic color make these fishnet tights perfect for your wardrobe collection.SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!- These fishnet tights are voted by Vero Monte fans, and are Vero Monte's best bets for this year.- Competitors may look similar to Vero Monte, but definitely not the same quality nor the exact patterns as Vero Monte.- Satisfaction Guaranteed! If not, we shall issue a free replacement or a full refund.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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