Skilled Photographer
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Skilled Photographer

Product ID: 7049778
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Your guide and host professional photographer Emanuele "Manny" Pontoriero once again pushes you to take your technical skills beyond the creative horizon you currently have. Whether you are a serious amateur or a budding professional, you may now realize that it's not the camera but the person behind it that creates stunning images we see in museums, galleries and ads. Learn the technical secrets that make great images possible. If you have a passion for photography and a desire to learn, The Skilled Photographer 3 DVD set will push you into a new frontier of creativity. Best of all, Manny makes the learning process fun and entertaining. This set of DVD's is your opportunity to experience that "eureka moment" where you not only understand how, but finally why the technique works. Learn from someone who makes it look easy, a master teacher and motivator and satisfy that hunger to become The Skilled Photographer. This 3 DVD set covers 3 areas of photography. In the "Composition" DVD you will learn about repeating lines, 3 types of framing, the s-curve, the diagonal line and the rule of thirds. The "Lighting" DVD explains the 5 types of lighting including Flat, Rembrandt, split, back 45 and back lighting. The Golden Hour and angle of light are also explained. In "Camera Functions" you will finally understand depth of field, master the art of using reflective and incident light meters and how to work with on camera flash lighting techniques as well as off camera flash. Each DVD is almost 2 hours of instruction and photographic examples. Manny has been a professional photographer for over 30 years. He spent 2 decades in the New York City area where he attended every seminar and read every book he could get his hands on. The Skilled Photographer DVD represents years of study and tens of thousands of dollars in learning photographic technique. This instructional video is the winner of a 2011 Silver Telly Award.

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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