Dave's Killer Bread Good Seed Thin-Sliced, Organic Bread, 13g Whole Grains per Slice, 20.5 oz Loaf
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Dave's Killer Bread Good Seed Thin-Sliced, Organic Bread, 13g Whole Grains per Slice, 20.5 oz Loaf

Product ID: 70490566
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Dave's Killer Bread® Good Seed® Thin-Sliced is USDA organic bread loaded with seedy texture and sweet flavor. It has the bold, sweet flavor of regular Good Seed® bread loaf, but in thin-sliced form with 70 calories per slice. 4g protein, 3g fiber, 230mg ALA Omega-3 and 13g whole grains per slice. Plus, each Non-GMO Project Verified, USDA organic bread slice features a seed-coated crust providing the killer texture you know and love from Dave's. Dave's Killer Bread has no high-fructose corn syrup, no artificial preservatives and no artificial ingredients. You can trust Dave's Killer Bread to deliver killer taste and texture. Good Seed® Thin-Sliced is the sliced bread you need for sandwiches, toast and snacks. With heavenly texture and saintly flavor, Good Seed® Thin-Sliced is the boldest and sweetest of our breads. The story of Dave’s Killer Bread® began at the Portland Farmers Market, when Dave Dahl and his nephew brought some loaves of Dave's bread to sell. For Dave, this marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life. Though he grew up in a family of bakers, his life took a different path. A path that landed him in prison for 15 years. Determined to prove his worth and make a positive impact, Dave worked tirelessly to bake breads that tasted unlike anything else on the market — packed with seeds and grains, made with only the very best organic and Non-GMO Project Verified ingredients. Dave’s Killer Bread® believes everyone is capable of greatness. One in three of the company's employee partners at their Milwaukie, OR bakery has a criminal background—but your past doesn't define your future. As a proud Second Chance Employer, Dave’s Killer Bread® truly believes everyone deserves a second chance to become a Good Seed.

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