Canidae PURE Lamb Recipe Wet Dog Food is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance. Canidae PURE Grain-Free Limited Ingredient Formulas offer your dog a well-rounded meal that’s been crafted with their health and well-being in mind. Our Lamb Recipe is made using a limited number of wholesome ingredients that are easily recognizable, with real lamb as the first ingredient, along with lamb liver and peas. This grain-free, hypoallergenic wet dog food is ideal for pups with a sensitive stomach and offers nothing but pure goodness for your best friend. High quality, wholesome ingredients like farm-grown veggies and premium proteins rich in essential amino acids and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids means you're giving your pet the goodness they deserve with no corn, wheat, soy or other fillers. Canidae pet foods are nutritionally dense, nourishing your dog in every bite. Canidae was founded in 1996 with the belief that pet food needed to be better. Better for pets and better for us all. That belief lives on today in our mission to create a world of sustainable goodness for pets and our planet. We nourish pets and planet in every bowl, through our use of wholesome, responsibly sourced proteins, and our investment in regenerative farming, sustainable operations, and eco-friendly packaging, setting a new standard for the pet food industry. Everything we do results in a better product. A bowl full of goodness.
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