Welcome to our store Wiginway! From the moment you browse our store to the day your wig is delivered, our team has one goal in mind: to delight you every step of the way. There are something helpful for you: Wig preparation (brushing) Put a wig on a special wig stand. Gently spread out hair bundles with your fingers. Gently brush wig’s hair with rare-tooth metal comb or fingers. Do not touch a wig cap. Brush from hair ends in the direction of hair roots. If wig’s hair is curly or wavy, brush only with fingers. Wash a synthetic wig Soak a wig into warm water with shampoo for 10-15 minutes. Gently budge the wig without any rub. Rinse the wig in clean cool water (not running tap) to wash out the shampoo. Wig nourishment Use hair balsam - rinse onto hair or soak the wet wig into cool water for 10 minutes. Then wash out. Use hair conditioner for the wet wig. You can either soak the wig into water with conditioner for 10 minutes and then do not wash out it completely, or sprinkle the wet wig evenly with little amount of conditioner at the distance of 15-30 cm. Sprinkle the wig with nourishing antistatic spray (to get rid of static hair). Wig drying Put the soaking wig in a dry towel and gently drain, but not wring. Wet wig can be left to dry completely on a towel in room temperature. Do not use hairdryers and other heat devices. Wig holding and protection Hold the wig far from open fire, hot water and air, sun light, heat devices. If you wear the wig daily, hold it on a special wig stand or model. If you wear the wig rarely, completely dry wig could be kept in paper box or package. Regularly ventilate the wig in open air (but not sun light).
3 weeks ago
2 weeks ago