The G3 holster is not firearm specific but it is size specific. Ensure you have the right size holster for your firearm. If the holster is too large, the firearm may dig into your stomach. If the holster is too small, it may be difficult to draw the firearm. Choose the one specific to your size:Cadet (Most Small Pocket Pistols): ACM Backup - Beretta Tomcat and Jet Fire - Colt Mustang - Kahr - Kimber - Ruger LCP and LCP Max - LCP II - SW Body Guard 380 and SIGMA - 3" 1911 - Springfield CompactTrooper (Most Small Sub-Compacts): FN 503 - Glock 42 - PM9 - Kimber to Micro 9 - SIG (P238-938-P365 SAS)Lieutenant (Most Sub-Compacts): Glock 26 - 27 - Glock 43 - Kimber Ultra - LC9 - PPS M2 - SCCY - P365 - Hell Cat - XDs - ShieldCaptain (Most Compacts): 1911 4" - Glock 19 - 23 - Glock 48 - XD 4" - P320 3.9" - P365 XLColonel (Most Full-Size): 1911 Full-sized Government - Beretta (92 - 96 - M9) - CZ (75 - P10 - P09) - FN57 (ALL FNS) - Glock (17 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 31 - 34 - 35 - 37 - 41 - 47) - HK USP - Spring (XDs XD Mod II XDM) Kahr Baby Desert Eagle - Most Medium Frame Revolvers
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