Fisher-Price Little People Big Helpers Home
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Fisher-Price Little People Big Helpers Home

Product ID: 66705390
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Product Description Welcome home, kiddo! When toddlers open the Little People Big Helpers Home, they'll discover multiple rooms filled with realistic features and lots of hands-on play. As little ones explore the pink house, playful songs, sounds and phrases encourage them to help around the house, care for their animal friends, and even introduce healthy habits! Little things that make a big difference Helping Others: Sung songs and fun phrases teach kids about teamwork, playing together, helping others, manners, and kindness. Imaginative Play: With easy-to-grasp figures and a familiar home theme, toddlers can use their imaginations to create stories as they play. Curiosity & Wonder: Little ones are introduced to cause and effect as they discover that fun sounds, phrases, and actions happen when they press different buttons around the house. Little People Little People friends love to play and explore the great big world around them, just like real kids! By creating kid-sized versions of real-life experiences, Fisher-Price has crafted a hands-on way for kids to learn about being a caring friend, a kind neighbor, an active community member, and all the other extraordinary qualities you see shining through in your little person. Build a whole collection of Little People playsets and your kids will discover more about the world in wonderful, imaginative ways!

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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