The Dam Busters - Collectors Edition [Blu-ray] [2018]
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The Dam Busters - Collectors Edition [Blu-ray] [2018]

Product ID: 65660256
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A BRAND NEW RESTORATION – COMMEMORATING THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ORIGINAL WWII RAIDSYNOPSIS:A much-loved British classic, Michael Anderson’s 1955 drama captures the tension and bravery of an audacious raid on the centre of Nazi Germany’s industrial complex and the quintessentially English combination of inventiveness and dogged determination.Split into two distinct sections, the film deals first with the fraught, but the ultimately successful development of a new bomb, by Dr. Barnes N. Wallis(Michael Redgrave). The second deals with the mission itself during the British raid on the Ruhr Dams, and its associated costs for the enemy and for the British airmen.Adapted by R.C. Sherriff from Paul Brickhill’s book “Enemy Coast Ahead” and featuring superlative special effects photography by Gilbert Taylor (to say nothing of Eric Coates’ stirring theme tune), The Dam Busters was Britain’s biggest box office success of 1955.Includes a 64 page booklet with brand new essays, and photographs, plus a rare print of an ariel photograph of the Mohne dam post raid, signed by the original 617 squadron.Includes the film in both 1.75:1 and 1.37:1 Aspect RatiosRAF poster of the Chastise Lancaster’s

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