ergoPouch 0.2 tog Baby Sleep Sack 0 Months - Baby Sleeping Sack for Warm & Cozy Nights - Cocoon Swaddle Sack Baby Keeps Calm & Relaxed (Daisies)
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ergoPouch 0.2 tog Baby Sleep Sack 0 Months - Baby Sleeping Sack for Warm & Cozy Nights - Cocoon Swaddle Sack Baby Keeps Calm & Relaxed (Daisies)

Product ID: 650884756
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The Cocoon Swaddle Bag from ergoPouch is a safe way to keep baby warm without the need for extra blankets! This is a 'no origami' baby swaddle that is designed to be easy to use and difficult to escape from. Swaddling your baby can help soothe and settle them to sleep by giving them a feeling of containment, similar to the feeling they had when in the confined space of your womb. The simple zip-up design will keep baby snug and securely swaddled without the need for complicated wrapping. The 2-in-1 swaddle design allows for an easy transition into an arms-free sleeping bag when your baby begins to roll. We recommend releasing only one arm at first by opening the snaps in the armhole for a week or two before allowing the other arm out. This will give your baby time to become used to this new way of settling and sleeping. The ergoPouch Cocoon range is made from breathable, organic cotton, and the swaddles are ergonomically designed and super stretchy to allow for natural movement. The bell-shaped design allows for sufficient room for babies to move their legs and hips, which minimizes the risk of hip dysplasia. We also added a 2-way zipper for easy diaper changes. Safe sleep guidelines suggest that there is as little as possible in the cot or crib, and so we have made our Cocoons available in three Tog (warmth) ratings. By choosing the right Cocoon for the temperature of your nursery, you can avoid using blankets altogether. The Cocoon Swaddle Bag is available in the following sizes: 0-3 months (up to 16 lbs.), 2–6 months (up to 17 lbs.), and 3–12 months (up to 15-22 lbs.). Gentle wash in cold water, do not tumble dry. Dry cleanable. Designed in Australia.

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