The BerleyPro Bro is a kayak accessory designed to protect your kayak as a keelshield The BumperBro is compatible with Hobie Kayaks and made to be mounted to the front or rear bottom part of the hull of your kayak to avoid damaging it with deep gouges or scratches when landing and launching. This should be part of your baisc kayak accessories and rigging as it protects your boat by taking the abuse from dragging your kayak hull on rough surfaces from and to the water. The Bumper Bro by BerleyPro is made out of ABS plastic and can be replaced. This is the ultimate keel guard and it is compatible with Hobie Kayaks, Hobie Outback, Hobie Pro Angler 12, Hobie Pro Angler 14, Hobie Lynx, Hobie Revolution. Installation is done with marine grade silicone/goop (Not Included).