Identity Theft is on the Rise,Very important to protect your personal information. Everyone knows someone who has been a victim of identity theft, who has gone through the seemingly endless nightmare of battling credit agencies, banks and credit card companies to reverse fraudulent transactions and restore one's good credit. RFID Technology : These days many credit cards, licenses, ID cards, transit cards and passports come pre-loaded with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips which offer convenient contactless scanning and information sharing - at the cost, however, of security and privacy. The RFID Blocking Solution: Hoobest RFID Blocking Wallet was founded on the premise of equipping consumers with the right tools to combat digital pickpocketing and provide peace of mind. We are very proud of our leather wallet and are confident you will love it too! Attention: Mens Blocking wallets are designed to shield all the contactless credit cards, passports, enhanced drivers licenses, that operate at 13.56 MHz and above. Generally Only the new 13.56 MHz contactless cards contain sensitive personal data,which could be shielded and protected by our wallet from reading by scanners and electronic pick pocketing. Our wallets do not shield non-smart cards or older low frequency 125 kHz proximity cards.Such as the entrance cards.