12 G Size .162" - .165" FITS Victory VAP Drop Away Arrow Nocks
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12 G Size .162" - .165" FITS Victory VAP Drop Away Arrow Nocks

Product ID: 646439439
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12 G Size ACCUNOCKS (ONE DOZEN G size ACCUNOCKS) G size fits Victory VAP's Injexion Carbon Injexion A/C ECT.. Please ask use what size Accunock your arrows will need if you are not sure. "This is the nock that will change the world of archery as we know it. "What is an Accunock? A press fit arrow nock designed to automatically release from the string when fired from any bow. Allowing for the drag free and consistent release of every shot requiring no modification of the bow, arrows or string. The Accunock's Highlights: Improves Accuracy Reduces Noise and Vibration Reduces String Wear Allows A Positive Hold To String All from a simple, logical design leveraging the mechanical force present during every shot. How Accunock works: Accunock Nocks basically have 2 parts 1. The Outer Nock 2. The Inner Nock Accunock weighs the same as the average Nock, BUT THAT'S WHERE THE comparison ENDS. Accunock "clicks" on to your string as any standard Nock. Accunock holds your arrow in place better than any nock on the market. It's when you fire your shot that Accunock makes a difference. When you release your shot, the Accunock's Inner Nock recesses back in to the Outer Nock so the string can propel your arrow FREE AND CLEAN FROM ANY DRAG. shot after shot after shot. In Archery "what you click on your string, you have to click off." That "CLICKING OFF" causes deflection of arrow flight, Loss of arrow speed, Vibration, and Lots of unnecessary string ware. NOT ANYMORE, THANKS TO ACCUNOCK. Accunock eliminates the "clicking off" or "plucking". "We have shot THOUSANDS of shots with a single Accunock and have yet to see any wear." Accunock is made from "LEXAN" not plastic. (Lexan is used in bullet proof glass and on newer car headlight lenses.) It is super durable and will last for "Thousands of shots." The Accunock (Patent #7,189,170) Is Produced By: K Arrow Archery

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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