
Qwixx: The frantic dice rolling game that everyone plays at once! For ages 8+, 2-5 players, from Gamewright

Product ID: 6447557


🎉 Roll your way to victory in a flash! Dive into the action with minimal setup! Perfect for busy families and game nights! Maximize your points with every roll! Take the fun anywhere with this travel-friendly game! Experience the thrill of simultaneous play! Fast-paced gameplay Plays in 15 mins 2-5 players Qwixx is a fast-paced dice rolling game designed for 2-5 players aged 8 and up. With simple rules and quick gameplay, it offers a thrilling experience where everyone plays at once. Perfect for family game nights or on-the-go fun, Qwixx can be played in 15 minutes or less, making it an ideal choice for those seeking quick entertainment.

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