Energydots smartDOT | Energy Harmonizing Device Do you use your mobile phone with reluctance? Are you uncomfortable or do you get tired working on your computer? There is scientific and public concern that our high exposure to electromagnetic radiation could have a detrimental effect on health. The smartDOT is programmed to harmonize or retune the electromagnetic frequencies from the electronic equipment you use regularly. Peel off the protective backing paper and attached the DOT to your device. For a mobile or cordless phone, the smartDOT can be inserted into the battery compartment if you can access it. Stick one onto any device that you feel discomfort in using or you feel contributes to any experience of symptoms of electro-stress. The smartDOT does not have to go in a specific position on your equipment, but ideally, you would put one on each item. If you have a computer with a wireless keyboard and a monitor, you will only need one smartDOT. Use a smartDOT on any device: mobile or cordless phone, laptop or computer tablet, Wi-Fi, router, games console, baby monitor, in your car, TV/DVD unit or hairdryer.