10 Pcs Travel Sickness Bands, Anti-Nausea Wristbands, Acupressure Nausea Wristband Natural Nausea Relief Acupressure Wristband for Motion or Morning Sickness(Car, Sea, Flying Travel Sickness)
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10 Pcs Travel Sickness Bands, Anti-Nausea Wristbands, Acupressure Nausea Wristband Natural Nausea Relief Acupressure Wristband for Motion or Morning Sickness(Car, Sea, Flying Travel Sickness)

Product ID: 639520877
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10 Pcs Travel Sickness Bands, Anti-Nausea Wristbands, Acupressure Nausea Wristband Natural Nausea Relief Acupressure Wristband for Motion or Morning Sickness(Car, Sea, Flying Travel Sickness) 【Goods Size】You will get10 PCS 5x3.5cm Travel Sickness Bands. Color: White, pink, royal blue, gray, black, suitable for carrying with you, or put it in a pocket, bag or suitcase, this product can be machine washed or hand washed, reusable. 【Safe Material】Motion Sickness Relief Wristbands is made of polyester cotton and plastic, elastic, healthy, reusable. 【Healthy and Effective】Don't let motion sickness ruin your journeys whether by land, air or sea. Provides effective relief from motion sickness, travel sickness, morning sickness and all forms of nausea. 【How to Use】Wear the travel sickness wrist bands and insert it between the inner ribs of the wrists (the Neiguan points) to restore balance by applying pressure to the Neiguan points on the inner side of the wrists through the plastic studs. It takes two to five minutes for the wristbands to start working, and both hands are most effective when worn at the same time. 【Wide Range of Applications】The travel sickness bands kids are great for reducing nausea and other travel ailments as well as morning sickness, seasickness/car sickness/train/airplane/VR/3D games and 3D rides at theme parks, migraines, and hangovers. The motion sickness bands are effective in relieving all forms of travel and airsickness without causing drowsiness or other side effects.

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